At Gallop 'n Glitz, we strive to make your shopping experience the best. If you are not completely satisfied with your order, we will do everything we can to make it better.
Please check your order as soon as you receive it. If you feel you've received a defective or wrong item, please email us within 3 business days of receipt of order. If it is a size issue, we will do our best to exchange for the correct size. Many items are limited availability. If you are unsure of sizing please contact us and we can guide you as to the fit of any particular item.
Please note our rules and procedures for returns:
*Must have original tags attached, be unworn, clean and unwashed, and shipped back with the original shipping package within 7 days of receipts for return.
*Items returned 8-21 days after purchase are for store credit only
*Email us at within 3 days of order receipt for a return authorization form
*All "FINAL SALE" items are not eligible for a return
*All jewelry is not eligible for return
*All returned times must have original tags, un-washed and unworn
*All returns must include return authorization form
*Shipping is non-refundable unless it was an error on our end
*Shoes returned using shipping box is not acceptable
*New shipping fees apply to replacement items unless it was our mistake
*Please allow us 5-7 business days to process return
*If you received free shipping on your order, shipping charges will be taken out of the total returned amount